Vår kokbok -
A digital kitchen help with a human touch

The problem The cookbook “Vår Kokbok” was first published in 1951. It was supposed to be cheap, easy-to-use  and pedagogical tool for housewives in Sweden. The book itself was a scientifically tested and with exact measurements a very precise tool for cooking. Generations of swedes have gotten their basic knowledge in cooking from “Vår Kokbok”. But when turning the cookbook into a digital tool something got lost; the main purpose of being an easy-to-use-tool for everyone, with no regard of skill level, to succeed in the kitchen.

The solution — We went through every step in the design thinking process with a human-centered design approach to build an updated version of the app based on the behaviour of the users.

My role — Since this was a student project my role was to undertake several different assignments during the project. I worked on every part in the design process together with my classmates but alone on the last part when designing the interface since this was outside the project scope.

Timeframe — 2 weeks

The challenge — Make a digital version of “Vår Kokbok” with the users in focus and making the service relevant for present day and how people cook today. And at the same time preserve the feeling of a pedagogic tool that helps users regardless of previous knowledge when it comes to cooking.

Create a digital pedagogic tool in the kitchen
Differentiate the digital version from similar tools on the market

Software and methods

User survey


User interviews



